These eggless sugar cookies are soft, buttery, fluffy, and super easy! This recipe takes only 20 minutes in total. Everything is made in one mixing bowl. These egg free cookies are made...
This homemade high protein chocolate mousse is incredibly rich, creamy, and decadent! The addition of protein makes this a healthier sweet treat. It comes together in just 5 minutes or less! This...
Remember the iconic Nutter Butter cookies? These gluten free Nutter Butters bring back all the nostalgic memories and deliciousness, minus the gluten. This recipe requires only 3 ingredients and 20 minutes to...
Calling all cookies and cream lovers! Craving a simple yet decadent treat? Look no further than this Oreo Dip. It is a delightful combination of everyone’s favorite cookies and a rich, creamy...
Calling all chocoholics, dessert lovers, and baking beginners! Craving decadent brownies but short on time or ingredients? Prepare to have your mind and taste buds blown. This magical recipe for 3 ingredient...
These Lucky Charms cookies are such a fun dessert! This 20-minute recipe is quick, easy, and delicious. The cookies are buttery, soft, and loaded with Lucky Charms marshmallows. Kids love these for...
If you are craving a taste of Tex-Mex but short on time, make these Chicken Fajita Bowls! This customizable dish is an easy 25-minute weeknight dinner, bursting with vibrant flavors, tender chicken,...
These mini chocolate chip cookies are such a fun dessert! They are easy to make in one mixing bowl and take just 16 minutes in total! Both kids and adults love these...
Is popcorn considered vegan? It seems vegan, being made from corn kernels popped in the microwave. This aspect holds as it essentially consists of corn. However, what other ingredients are added to...
Let’s face it, cream cheese: creamy, tangy, and versatile, it’s a breakfast (and sometimes dessert) staple for many. But for those following a vegan lifestyle, regular cream cheese is off-limits. The world...
This gluten free chocolate cheesecake is a decadent dessert perfect for any occasion! It is made with a buttery Oreo crust, velvety smooth filling and creamy ganache topping. This dessert is indulgent,...
This strawberry bark is made with only 3 ingredients! It takes just minutes to prep. This bark recipe features the classic chocolate strawberry combination. Great for an afternoon snack, Valentine’s Day treat,...