These healthier homemade Payday bars offer a delightful sweet and salty taste much like the classic candy, but they're vegan, gluten-free, free from refined sugar, and made with just a few ingredients.
First, line a bread loaf pan with parchment paper.
Spread 1 cup of the peanuts into the bottom of the lined pan.
In a microwave safe bowl, add the maple syrup, peanut butter, coconut oil, and vanilla. Stir together. Microwave for 30 seconds. Stir until creamy. If needed, microwave for another 10 seconds.
Pour this mixture on top of the peanuts. Smooth into an even layer.
Then, sprinkle the remaining 1 cup of peanuts on top.
Freeze for 1 hour or until set.
Finally, remove from the freezer and carefully slice into bars.
I recommend using unsalted peanuts, especially if your peanut butter is salted.
The peanut butter mixture should be creamy and slightly thicker than caramel sauce.
Use peanut butter made from only peanuts and salt.
Allow the bars to freeze until set. Then use a large sharp knife to slice into bars.